Understanding the User Experience: How Predictive Dialers Affect Customer Interactions

Understanding the User Experience: How Predictive Dialers Affect Customer Interactions

In the business world the space is fast paced, there is a high priority laid upon complete efficiency maximization of the customer interactions. If you run an outbound calling business like lead generation or customer service, predictive dialers can be a very useful gadget for you. When we have such automated systems but we have a User Experience, how will it impact the end user experience (UX)?

For this reason, let’s go a little deeper in predictive dialers, how they don’t play so well on customer interaction … and how they can work for a better UX.

What is a Predictive Dialer?

Simply put a predictive dialer is a complex piece of software designed to dial outbound numbers for an agent and utilizes algorithms to determine when an agent will become available to speak with a dialed number. And, it reduces agent downtime between calls by a huge margin, increasing productivity. 

How it works:

  • But the dialer then reads the history of call duration and typical dealing time of the agent.  
  • It predicts what the chance is that you will get a live answer given things like time of day or day of the week and who the number is showing up to.

Advantage of Predictive Dialers:

Predictive dialers offer multiple advantages for businesses, including:

  • Increased agent productivity: Agents can eliminate idle time and use extra time on live call, rather than generating leads or solving customer’s issues.
  • Improved call completion rates: Predictive dialing helps reduce the amount of abandoned calls by increasing the number of successful calls to potential or existing customers.  
  • Reduced operating costs: Businesses can then benefit from increased agent productivity, improved call completion rates, and significant cost savings.
  • Enhanced data analytics: Many predictive dialers offer detailed reports on these call metrics, in fact, allowing businesses to adjust their outbound call strategies accordingly.  

JustCall.io: It is a Streamlined Communication Platform

Predictive dialers provide a lot of benefits, but it’s important to think about user experience. With the full suite of features, JustCall.io remains one of the leading business communication platforms that aims to make communication and managing outbound calls an easy task. Popular CRMs can easily be integrated with JustCall for functionality like real time analytics, call routing, or can even record your calls to ensure positive customer interactions. 

But let’s be fair about it and go on ahead to see the good and the bad experienced by users.

The UX Impact of Predictive Dialers

The advantages of predictive dialers are undeniable, but there are potential downsides to consider in terms of user experience:

Reduced Customer Satisfaction:

  • Excessive call frequency: If the algorithm dials too aggressively, it can produce back–to–back calls that customers find irritating, as though they have been called too much.
  • Poorly timed calls: Receiving calls at inconvenient times or inconvenient periods can make things negative.
  • Reaching answering machines: Unwanted calls to answering machines too frequently will be considered intrusive and influencing brand perception negatively.

Compliance Concerns:

  • Regulations: Outbound calls to cell phones and time of day of when outbound calls can be made are regulated (US specifically in the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, or TCPA).
  • Do Not Call (DNC) Lists: Share DNC lists and fail to follow them, and you may wind up on the wrong side of the law. 

Predictive Dialers: Optimizing UX

Here’s how businesses can leverage predictive dialers while prioritizing a positive user experience:

  • Segmentation: Target certain customer segments with relevant calls according to demographics, call history and preferences.
  • Call Scheduling: Provide options for customers to choose their preferred call times to make it convenient.
  • Call Analytics: Call for call data to find peak calling times and adjust dialing approaches accordingly.  
  • Agent Training: Teach agents effective communication skills and empathy for dealing with unexpected interactions by customers.
  • Compliance: Follow specific rules for working in this industry and DNC lists.

Beyond Predictive Dialers: A focus on Customer Centric Communication

Although predictive dialers can be a great tool, business should always put a customer centric approach to communication first.

Here are some additional strategies to enhance the user experience:

  • Omnichannel Communication: Provide more than just calling communications to your customers, give them email, chat, or social media alternatives.
  • Self-Service Options: Offers online information resources and self service portals for customer convenience.  
  • Personalized Interactions: Agents will learn to personalize communication and to adapt their approach to customers on a case by case basis.
  • Feedback Mechanisms: Make a habit of collecting customer feedback on their experience while making use of it to improve communication strategies.


Strategic use of predictive dialers in tandem with a customer centric approach can both increase agent productivity and customer satisfaction. All this while, remember that optimizing the user experience will help you create long term customer relationships and brand loyalty.