You will often come across stores selling pearl rings at pretty low prices. Beware! Pearl rings have a minimum cost; thus, those offered at reduced prices are more likely to be fake. Hence, you must not only stick to affordability, especially while purchasing an authentic pearl ring.
We are often fooled by the fancy and exotic names the seller uses. Avoid getting swayed by such names. Instead, focus more on documents like certifications. Also, always opt for reputed stores to purchase products like authentic pearl engagement rings.
But how can we determine whether it is an original or fake product? Additionally, how do we verify the stores’ claims? Do not worry. We will share the five quick tests that will give you proven results within a few minutes. Scroll down for more information.
5 Ways To Check The Authenticity Of A Pearl Ring
We might always have the opportunity to avail ourselves of the expertise and service of professional testers. Indeed, they provide more accurate results, but the entire process is quite time-consuming. You can choose your products from certified stores like Rosec Jewels or opt for such methods. These tests are fast, doable, and give you immediate results. Check out the five foolproof methods.
- The Tooth Test
Now, this might sound a bit absurd to you; however, it is proven and is quite a foolproof method. Let us learn how to tell if a pearl is real with your teeth. Rub the pearl embedded in the ring against your teeth. If the pearl surface becomes grainy, it is an original product. However, in the case of synthetic pearls, it remains unchanged.
- Rubbing Test
Another way to check whether it is an original pearl ring is by rubbing the two pearls against each other. If there is a slight friction, then the product will be original. However, imitation products will normally glide past each other without any effect. Make sure to rub the rings gently to avoid damaging other aspects of the ring.
- Water Test
It is also known as the bounce test. Drop the pearl from two feet high into a glass of water. If the pearls sink in the water, then they are genuine products. However, the floating pearls are synthetic variants. It is commonly called the water test for pearls.
- Feel Test
Two types of feel tests can help you distinguish an original silver pearl ring. Firstly, check whether the pearl feels cool before becoming warm against your skin. Those are the original ones. If your pearls become warm rapidly, then they are imitation products. Additionally, the original pearls have weight, so they must feel heavy; on the other hand, synthetic ones are more lightweight.
- Shape Test
Original pearls are nature’s products; hence, they cannot all maintain uniformity of shape. While choosing your product, check if all of them are perfect circles or if there are differences in their shapes. In the case of the former, they are imitations; thus, the latter qualifies as the original product.
Commonly Asked Questions
There are a lot of misconceptions about pearl rings and their verification. In this section, we will address some of the most searched questions.
- How can you tell if a pearl ring is real?
You can either head to an expert for perfect answers or try the various verification tests at home. For instance, water, tooth, rubbing, feeling, and shape tests are used. They usually provide the nearest to accurate results.
- How to test pearls with lighter?
This is associated with the fire test for pearl verification. You must carefully hold the pearl with tweezers and pass it quickly across the fire from the lighter. If it emits a subtle burning smell, it is an original pearl, or else it is not. However, it is recommended to avoid this process since it can damage the product.
- How do you test pearls with vinegar?
Submerge the pearls in a small bowl of vinegar for thirty minutes. If it reacts to the acidic nature, then it is authentic.
- Are real pearls marked?
They are not necessarily marked physically. However, certifications and other tests can prove whether or not they are real pearls.
- How to tell if a pearl is valuable?
Consider the imperfect surface, the luster percentage, and the weight to decide whether the pearl is valuable.
- Do real pearls sink or float?
Real pearls are heavy; hence, they tend to float, unlike the imitation ones, which are light and usually remain suspended or float when submerged in a liquid.
Authentic pearl rings have a basic cost. Remember that it is a gemstone, so it cannot be purchased unreasonably cheaply. The original pearl ring cost ranges from $300 to $700. Hence, try maintaining your budget within this range to choose the best product.