Reviewing The Best Plant Growth Regulators For Every Yard Size And Terrain

Plant growth regulators started being mentioned on the lawn care forums I follow. Slowing down the plant grass growth to save on watering and cutting, I found the concept fascinating. Deciding to take a chance, I applied for it a few years ago and I will never go back to my old ways!

In this article I’ve put four simple ways to check if a product is any good. Once you’ve established you want to use this type of regulator, you need to know where to buy primo maxx and other similar products. I’ve explained this easily enough below for your reference. 

Now, let’s get into the four important details that will make or break these kinds of regulators.

Here Are the Four Important Qualities that Make a Fantastic Plant Growth Regulator

From all of my searching, here are the four must haves I look for when shopping for a plant growth regulator. Don’t just grab the first one you find. Look for one that matches your turf needs.

1) Gets the Grass to Grow Straight Up

Called “lateral growing”, having your grass grow straight up gives you nice and tight grass formation. I was amazed with how little I’ve been edging since applying this stuff.

2) Needs to Be Good for all Grasses

You want a product that’s safe for all types of grasses. Be sure to check that the product specifically treats the grass you have! If you’re unsure, do a web search on “your grass + the product” and see what the results say.

3) Also Should Stimulate Root Growth

When a plant is not spending as much time building its upper extremities, it has time to focus on their roots growing below. Finding a good plant growth regulator should emphasize this process.

4) Can Be Applied With Other Things

For me, this is an absolute must! I like to be efficient with my time. So I go with plant growth regulator products that I can apply at the same time I add my granular fertilizer or biostimulants.

Where to Buy Primo Maxx and Other Regulators

When purchasing professional lawn products, you have two options, wholesale or online retailers. You won’t find this stuff at your local hardware shop. I would only recommend using a wholesaler if you are a business who needs to cover four or more acres of turf.

But, if you’re just looking to cover a small grass turf area like a personal lawn or small park area, then just shop online my friend! It’s really easy when you find the right store. I recommend finding someone online who carries the product instock so it gets to you the fastest.

Lateral Growing, Root Stimulating, and Safe

Now you understand what makes a good plant growth regulator and where to buy Primo Maxx and other fantastic regulators. If you just need to do a small turn area like your own lawn, I would say buy online. This product is great. A few weeks after application I think you’ll truly be amazed.