The Ultimate Guide to Rowing Machine Workouts: Tips and Techniques

The Ultimate Guide to Rowing Machine Workouts: Tips and Techniques

Rowing machines might seem tricky at first. But, if you want an easy and versatile full-body workout, rowing could be your new favorite exercise.

An indoor rower replicates rowing on the water, pushing on your heels, driving force from your quads, and utilising your back to row the handlebar toward you. A rowing machine can be used for diverse types of training methods (HIIT, strength, core, and endurance, to name a few) and workouts.

Want to bag all the perks of rowing without getting drenched? Read on.

Major Types of Rowing Machine Workouts

Let’s dive in and discover the variety of rowing machine workouts you can incorporate into your routine to maximise your results and enhance your fitness journey:

  • Steady State Rowing Machine Workout

This workout requires rowing steadily for a set time or distance. You’ll keep the same intensity and stroke rate throughout, usually between 20 to 24 strokes per minute. Your speed depends on how you row and apply power.

Steady-state rowing is an aerobic exercise that relies on oxygen and is primarily fueled by stored fat. It benefits endurance training and fat burning, making low-intensity steady-state rowing popular.

  • Interval Rowing Machine Workout

Interval rowing workouts involve switching between intense rowing and easy or restful periods. You can switch up these intervals based on time, distance, strokes, or strokes per minute. Aim for 75% to 95% of your max heart rate for intense sessions, and aim for 40% to 50% during breaks.

  • Long Intervals

Long intervals in rowing workouts consist of work periods lasting 4 minutes or longer, with rest intervals typically ranging from 2 to 6 minutes. Examples include:

  • 4 sets of 4 minutes each, with 2-4 minutes of rest between sets
  • 2 sets of 2000 metres each, with 4-6 minutes of rest between sets
  • 4 sets of 150 strokes each, with 3 minutes of rest between sets
  • Short Intervals

Short intervals in rowing workouts consist of work periods lasting less than 4 minutes, with rest intervals typically ranging from 1 to 3 minutes. Examples include:

  • Alternating 1 minute of hard rowing with 1 minute of easy rowing
  • 6 sets of 500 metres each, with 2 minutes of rest between sets
  • 5 sets of 50 strokes each, with 2-3 minutes of rest between sets
  • Short Rest Intervals

Short rest intervals involve brief rest periods, typically lasting 10-30 seconds, allowing lactate clearance while maintaining elevated heart rate levels. Examples include:

  • Row intensely for 20 seconds, then row easily for 10 seconds. Repeat this 8 times.
  • Alternate between rowing intensely for 1 minute and rowing easily for 30 seconds.
  • 20 hard strokes followed by 5 easy strokes

Wrapping Up

Rowing machines are incredible for full-body workouts without focusing your joints. In the event that you’re considering of making a domestic exercise center, numerous Indian wellness brands have great exercise center hardware at reasonable costs. Take the time to investigate the accessible choices, such as paddling machines, ellipticals, turn bicycles, mechanized or manual treadmill prices, and highlights, and make an educated choice that adjusts along with your fitness goals.